Presentation | UCV
Santoral: San Felicísimo
Santoral: San Felicísimo

Universidad Católica de Valencia

Today, I can truthfully say that the study abroad program at La Universidad Católica de Valencia was the perfect place for me to spend my semester abroad.


The Catholic University of Valencia San Vicente Mártir seeks a high-standard educational quality that provides an authentic university community in a climate of academic friendship; and a purpose to create and maintain a singularly educational and personal relationship between each one of the students and the University. Instruction, education, and formation are the axes that conform our teaching.

We are a member of the Association of American Programs in Spain (APUNE).

The UCV Study Abroad Program includes:

A unique academic experience:

  • Access to a vast academic offer which includes English and Spanish taught courses in various fields like Health Sciences, Experimental Sciences, Liberal Arts, Sports Sciences, Education, Physiotherapy, and more!
  • Access to UCV Internships
  • Service Learning: Social Participation & Development. This option provides students with field experience in community service agencies, education organizations and NGO, under the direction of a professional supervisor.
  • Academic & personal advising

A complete service

  • Airport pick-up (on arrival date & times established by the Program)
  • Housing in welcoming and caring host families
  • Medical insurance
  • A UCV Student Card which gives you access and discounts in different services
  • Discounts on the UCV Clinics, accredited by the Regional Department of Health. Their services include Sports Medicine, Dentistry, Psychology, Occupational Therapy, Physiotherapy, Speech Therapy & Podiatry.

A language and cultural immersion oportunity:

  • Buddy Program with UCV Students who will help you get settled in Valencia and live a great experience.
  • Access to extracurricular activities in the university like sports.
  • Guided excursions and cultural visits.
  • Spanish courses for all levels (A1-C1). Students will also be able to get an Official Certification at the UCV Language Institute, where they organize SIELE exams, the most complete, versatile and prestigious online test to evaluate and certify the command of the Spanish language, taking as a reference the levels marked by the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages, and guaranteed by Instituto Cervantes, on behalf of the Spanish Ministry of Education.

Contact information


Universidad Católica de Valencia
Campus Santa Úrsula, office 21040 c/Guillem de Castro, 94.  46001, Valencia (Spain)


+34 963 637 412 Ext. 4865

Office Hours

Mon-Fri 9h30-13h30 & 15h30-17h30.


UCV Study Abroad Program Director: David García Ramos

UCV Study Abroad Program Officer: Juan Martin