Speakers | UCV
Santoral: San Felicísimo
Santoral: San Felicísimo

Universidad Católica de Valencia

III International Congress on Poverty and Hunger: Education and Technology in the context of the pandemic


Cardinal Antonio Cañizares

Grand Chancellor of Universidad Católica de Valencia San Vicente Mártir

He was created Cardinal by Pope Benedict XVI in 2006 and appointed Archbishop of Valencia in August 2014 by Pope Francis.

He has been the driving force behind the work line on Poverty and Hunger at Universidad Católica de Valencia.

Msgr. Fernando Chica Arellano

Permanent Observer of the Holy See to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), World Food Programme (WFP) and International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD)

Appointed in 2015 by Pope Francis as Permanent Observer of the Holy See to the three Rome-based international food and agriculture agencies: FAO, WFP and IFAD.

Msgr. Marcelo Sánchez Sorondo

Chancellor of the Pontifical Academy of Sciences and the Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences

He is one of the experts who have most deeply studied the concept of integral ecology presented by Pope Francis in his encyclical Laudato Si'.

D. Alejandro Trénor

Co-founder and CFO Soil Capital

Soil Capital is an agribusiness and technology company working in the field of regenerative agriculture.

Dr. Marcelo M. Suárez-Orozco

Chancellor of Boston University

He is the Courtney Sale Ross Professor of Globalization and Education and Co-Director of Immigration Studies at New York University. His research focuses on conceptual and empirical issues in the fields of cultural psychology and psychological anthropology through the analysis of immigration, globalisation and education.

Dr. Richard J. Roberts

1993 Nobel Prize in Medicine for his breakthroughs in the field of hereditary diseases

He has led the campaign signed by 126 Nobel laureates and 13,000 scientists and experts worldwide for precision agriculture to end world hunger. He is a strong advocate of new food sources and biotechnological innovations in agriculture.

Dr. Stefano Zamagni

President of the Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences

Professor of Economics and former Dean of the Faculty of Economics at the University of Bologna. Member of the scientific council of the doctoral programme in economics at Universidad Católica Argentina. Member of the academic committee of the International Research Center on Human Development, Capabilities and Poverty at Harvard University.

Dr. D. José Luis Sánchez García

Technical Director of the Chair of Charity Santo Tomás de Villanueva of the UCV and Vicar of Culture and Institutional Relations of the Archdiocese of Valencia

He is the Director of the Permanent Line of Work and Research "Poverty, hunger in the world and emerging foods" which brings together more than 50 experts and researchers. Expert in Philosophy, Anthropology, Ethics and Development of Human Capacities.

D. Antonio Espinosa de los Monteros

CEO and co-founder of the social enterprise Auara

The lack of drinking water affects more than 700 million people. AUARA is a social enterprise that dedicates 100% of its profits to developing projects to provide access to drinking water for those who need it most. To do so, they work with partners and organisations with proven experience in water projects and who know the population and their needs.

Speakers of the Permanent Line of Work and Research "Poverty and Hunger" of Universidad Católica de Valencia

Dr. Ginés Marco Perles

Dean of the Faculty of Philosophy, Letters and Humanities of Universidad Católica de Valencia

President of 1st Commission "Context and Basis" of the UCV's permanent research line "Poverty and Hunger"

Dr. Javier Muñoz de Prat

Coordinator of Global Management and Business Administration and Marketing Degrees and Head of Entrepreneurship at Universidad Europea de Valencia

President of 3rd Commission "Development and new work models" of the UCV's permanent research line "Poverty and Hunger"

Dr. José Miguel Mulet Salort

Professor of Biotechnology at Universidad Politécnica de Valencia

Researcher of the 4th Commission "New sources of food and resources" of the UCV's permanent research line "Poverty and Hunger"

Dr. Juan Sapena Bolufer

Professor of Economics and Director of the Betelgeux-Christeyns Chair for Sustainable Economic Development at Universidad Católica de Valencia

President of 5th Commission "Economics: Transversal sustainability in the search for solutions" of the UCV's permanent research line "Poverty and Hunger"

Dr. Roberto Sanz Ponce

Professor of the Faculty of Education Sciences and Secretary of the University Institute of Education Theory of Universidad Católica de Valencia

President of 6th Commission "Poverty and Education: Study and Research" of the UCV's permanent research line "Poverty and Hunger"

Dr. Vicente Cloquell Ballester

Professor at Universitat Politècnica de Valencia

President of 7th Commission "Technology and Poverty" of the UCV's permanent research line "Poverty and Hunger"

In-person mode registration

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Online mode registration

Lo sentimos la reserva en este momento no esta disponible.

Para cualquier información sobre nuevo ingreso puedes dirigirte a nuevosalumnos@ucv.es y posgrado@ucv.es.


November 9th and 10th, 2021


From 9:30 a.m. to 7 p.m. (Tuesday 9 November) and from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. (Wednesday 10 November)

Organised by
In cooperation with
Congress Director

Dr. D. José Luis Sánchez García
Technical Director of the Chair of Charity Santo Tomás de Villanueva of Universidad Católica de Valencia.
Vicar of Culture and Institutional Relations of the Archdiocese of Valencia.

Congress Secretary

Fernando del Campo
Chair of Charity Santo Tomás de Villanueva UCV
+34 96 363 74 12 Ext. 6580


Free (until 8 November).


In person (until full capacity is reached) and online (via Zoom through the link https://bit.ly/2XUqvPl)).


Salón de Actos
Sede de Santa Úrsula UCV
C/Guillem de Castro, 94. Valencia 46001