Our University | UCV
Santoral: San Felicísimo
Santoral: San Felicísimo

Universidad Católica de Valencia

Our University

The Catholic University of Valencia (UCV) has quickly become an incomparable center of creativity, radiating knowledge for the good of society, and providing its 11,000 undergraduate, 4,500 graduate, and 400 international students with a university experience of the absolute highest quality. By uniting faith and reason, the UCV seeks to facilitate a strong college community through an atmosphere of academic friendship, while also providing a highly personalized experience for each student.

Professors at the UCV are first and foremost, “maestros” or teachers. Across all schools/faculties and academic disciplines, professors engage students in vibrant dialogues, ensuring that each student develops her/his talents and finds the necessary skills for future success, both professionally and in life.

Exciting academic and professional opportunities abound at the UCV. Students may pursue a degree in any one of the University’s 8 schools / faculties and nearly 30 majors. These include: Faculty of Legal, Economic and Social Sciences, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences,  Faculty of Philosophy, Literature and Humanities, Faculty of Teaching and Educational Sciences, Faculty of Physical Activity and Sport Sciences, Faculty of Veterinary and Experimental Sciences, Faculty of Psychology, Faculty of Canon Law.

Learning extends far beyond the classroom at UCV too. Students have access to a rich variety of community service opportunities, professional internships, clubs, associations, and intercollegiate and intramural sports.

Student Enrollment (2013 database): Undergraduate: 11040
Postgraduate: 4437
Exchange/International Students: 538
International agreements: 160
Grading System Course Grade Interpretation

Grade Point Equivalent

10 Matrícula de Honor A+ 70% - 100% First Class Honours (1)
9-10 Sobresaliente A
60% - 69% Second Class (Upper) Honours (2:1)
7-9 Notable B
50% - 59% Second Class (Lower) Honours (2:2)
5-7 Aprobado C 45% - 49% Third Class Honours (3)
D 40% - 44% Pass Degree

Where we are


Plaza Almoina Office

Pl. Almoina, nº 3 - 46001 Valencia - Spain

Phone nr.:

+34 96 192 75 90

Email: admissions@ucv.es