Santoral: San Felicísimo
Santoral: San Felicísimo

Universidad Católica de Valencia


My university doesn't have any agreement signed with the UCV. Can I study one semester as an exchange student?

Unfortunately, exchange programs are limited to students from universities that have signed agreements with the UCV. If you are interested in your university signing an agreement with us, you should ask a member of staff of your university to start the necessary proceedings by writing to ori@ucv.es.

How and when may I apply for the International Program?

Firstly, your home university sends a list of nominees as exchange students. 

Once you have been nominated, our incoming department contacts directly with you. We will send you both the on-line application procedure and the deadlines to do it.

Deadlines to submit the on-line application:

  • 1st semester and full year: 1 April- 1 June.
  • 2nd semester:
    • 15 September 15 November.
    • 1 September to 30 September for Traineeships in Dentistry, Nursing, Medicine, Physiotherapy & Podiatry
Which documents should I bring with me to Valencia, before arriving?
  • Copy of your Passport or Identity Card*
  • Insurance(s) covering*: (all needed in English or Spanish)
    • European Health Insurance card* (only for Erasmus students).
    • Travel Insurance* (including damage or loss of luggage)
    • Accident and serious illnesses* (including permanent or temporary incapacity)
    • Personal Liability Insurance*1
    • Repatriation insurance*
  • Language Certificate (a proof of your level from your home institution):
    • Spanish B1 level required for courses taught in Spanish.
    • Spanish B2 level required for TRAINEESHIPS in Dentistry, Nutrition, Medicine     and Physiotherapy.
    • English B1 level, if you will follow courses taught in English.
  • A Passport sized picture (for your student's card)*
  • Criminal Record Certificate with Hague Apostille (required for all the Traineeship's exchanges from Education degrees, Medicine, Nursing, Occupational Therapy, Speech Therapy, Psychology, Podiatry, Physiotherapy, Sports Sciences and for all the incoming in Dentistry- studies and traineeship's)

*Compulsory documents.

1 The Personal Liability Insurance is a personal insurance that covers the possible damages caused by the student to a third person or objects.

Who is my mobility coordinator?

There is an academic coordinator for each degree, and he/she is in charge with the academic issues such as courses, schedules, learning agreement, placement, etc – anything related to your academic life in the UCV.

You can find your Degree’s coordinator on the following link

When does the semester start at UCV?

Our Fall Semester starts at the beginning of September and runs until end of January (exams period included).
The Spring Semester starts at the end of January and runs until mid-July (exams period included).
Our academic calendar can be found on our web site: http://www.ucv.es/international/international-student-studying-at-ucv/preparing-your-stay-at-ucv

Are there any courses taught in English?

UCV offers a large number of courses in English, from different degrees. Please, see our courses offered in English at the following link

How do I know which courses I should take?

You can take any of the courses offered here: https://www.ucv.es/international/exchange-student-at-ucv/our-courses for your Learning agreement. Once you have decided the options that best fit for you, please discuss it with your home university and then check with the UCV Academic coordinator if it is feasible.  Each course must be followed on the semester it is offered. The same happens with exams, you will do them at the end of the semester you take the course, following the UCV regulation. 

For more details of the course guide or syllabus of each course click on your degree under the tab 'Spanish taught courses': https://www.ucv.es/international/exchange-student-at-ucv/our-courses

Are all the insuraces requested on the application compulsory and why so many?

Students involved in a mobility must be insured covering the following areas:

  • travel insurance (including damage or loss of luggage)
  • third party liability (including, wherever appropriate, professional indemnity or insurance for responsibility)
  • accident and serious illness (including permanent or temporary incapacity);
  • death (including repatriation in case of projects carried out abroad)

We follow the instructions given by our National Agency, which is very strict on the above insurances that are included in the Erasmus Programme Guide, under the chapter 'Protection, health and safety of participants". We are frequently audited and we need to proof that students are coming with all the insurances mentioned aboved. Besides, the students' safety is one of our priorities.

If you need any help with insurances, you can contact AXA through: direccion@mncorreduria.com

We do not obtain any profit, but if this contact is useful for you, you are invited to contact them.

Besides, all Erasmus students need the European Insurance Card for their exchange in Valencia. 

Health Information. What can I do if I have a health problem?

If you have a Real Emergency dial 112 (Ambulance)

Non-EU residents must have a medical insurance to enter in Spain. You must obtain it in your country; ask the International Center of your University to help you with this procedure.

If you need any medical assistance during your stay, you should always bring with you:
Passport + Health Insurance policy

‘English friendly’ centers:

In case of emergency: HOSPITAL QUIRON http://www.quironsalud.es/valencia

For family doctor matters: CLINICA SOROLLA http://clinica-sorolla.com/

EU citizens are covered by the European Health Service. You must ask for your European Health Card (valid for one year) before leaving your country. You can use it to receive medical services either in Spain or in any other EU country.
In Spain, health care is provided at Centros de Atención Primaria (Primary Health Care Centers, or CAPs) and Hospitals. CAPs have fixed opening hours and you will be assigned one depending on where you live. Check your nearest Centro de Salud on: http://www.san.gva.es/web/dgoeicap/centros-sanitarios
And ask for a Provisional SIP card (Valencian health card) there if you need assistance.
If you need to see a General Practitioner (Family Doctor), you should ask at your CAP to be assigned one. 
Hospitals will assist you in case of emergency. Please bear in mind you should only go there when you have a serious emergency and bring your European Health Card with you. Please do avoid going to a hospital´s ER if you are not in need of urgent medical assistance. You should see a specialist or a family doctor instead.

If you need any medical assistance during your stay you should always bring with you:
ID (or Passport) + European Health Insurance card. 
How could I find an accommodation in Valencia?

Our university does not own any student accommodation. However, we do advise you some Accommodation Agencies with which the UCV is partner of and that offer special discounts for UCV Students:


For more information or specific questions, please contact vip@housinganywhere.com


Click here to get the 25% discount promotional code!

Student Halls

Collegiate Marina Real

This student residence is the perfect Valencia home for you, with excellent transport links to reach UCV and the city centre - less than 15 minutes away.

UCV Students can benefit from a 100 euro discount selecting UCV1819 code during the booking process, for stays higher than 24 weeks. For more information, please contact: marinareal@collegiate-ac.com

Can I do any sports activities at UCV?

All the students registered at the UCV are highly encouraged to practice sport through the Sports Activities Service, more information on safd@ucv.es .

When should I arrive to Valencia?

The International office organizes one Welcome Day at the beginning of each semester where the incoming students receive interesting and useful information for their stay.

Incoming students can also contact their UCV coordinator to inform him/her about their arrival to Valencia, and if their are coming after the beginning of the term.

Once I have registered, what shall I do if I need to change my UCV learning agreement?

Incoming students fill in their internal learning agreements online. However, this is a document for our registration procedure, but it is not an official document. If you would like to do any changes on that document, you must enter on the link we provided you at the beginning of your stay and change your courses. In order to do so, it is necessary to retrieve the username and password that you were given.

You will be responsible for this academic document, and for the courses that are listed in it.

What information do I need to know as a UCV student?

It’s important that you attend all the classes. If you have to miss one class, you should inform your teacher. 
You also need to check the Plataforma regularly to see what’s going on in the courses you are following, to upload your assignments, download activities, etc.
The UCV has an exam period which is common for all the degrees in the institution. Some weeks before the exams, you can see the exam schedules both on your intranet and on the noticeboards displayed in every campus.
If you need to change any exam, please contact your coordinator and s/he will tell you what to do. If you need to change any exam date you must fill in an application (either online or by going to Secretaría). 
During the exam period, teachers can upload your marks and exam revision dates. Please check the dates on the Intranet and if you have any problem to attend an exam revision, you contact your teacher to arrange an alternative appointment.
If you happen to fail one exam, you are entitled to take a second chance exam. Their schedule will also be displayed on the noticeboards, some weeks after the final exams. But it is a volunteer decision, so it is not necessary to register in any list.

Grading system.

In the Spanish system modules/courses are graded on a scale of 0 to 10 points with the following qualitative equivalence:

MARKS UCV Marks Interpretation at the UCV
10 Matrícula de Honor Outstanding performance, special mention
9-10 Sobresaliente Excellent
7-8,9 Notable Very good/good, with some errors
5-6,9 Aprobado Sufficient/satisfactory, but with significant mistakes
0-4,9 Suspenso Below average, failed. More work is required to pass

To pass a module/course it is necessary to get at least 5 points.

In cases of recognition of ECTS, professional experience, cultural or sports activities, or student representation no grading will be recorded but, where appropriate, the word "Apto".

At the end of the stay, you will have your official transcript of records, where the name of the course, number of ECTS and overall score will be included.

This TOR will be sent directly to your home institution's international office.


Can I take a Spanish course at the UCV?

Our institution offers 6CTS Spanish course, either on the 1st or/and 2nd term, to all our incoming students who need it on the learning agreement.
Students who are interested in taking additional courses can contact our Language Center: https:/institutodelenguas.com

Most of the subjects are offered in Spanish. Thus, a medium knowledge or B1 Spanish Level is required. For Traineeships in Dentistry, Physiotherapy and Medicine, the exchange student must hold a B2 Spanish Level. All the Masters are offered in Spanish. Incoming students interested in following a Master at UCV are required to have a B2 Spanish level.



What is the cost of living in Valencia?

Estimated living expenses (for reference only):

Accommodation: Between 600€ and 900€ per month in a Students Residence (meals, laundry, gym, wifi…included) or between 250€ and 350€ per month one room in a shared flat plus bills.

Books/Meals/Transport and others: about 250€ per month.

What if my question isn’t answered here?

If your question isn’t listed here, please e-mail incoming@ucv.es


Our social networks

Contact information

International Relations Office

Santa Úrsula Campus 
C/ Guillem de Castro, 94
46002 Valencia (Spain)
+34 96 363 74 12

PIC: 991514019
OID: E10182288

International area coordinator

Beatriz Manrique

Incoming Exchange Students 

Contact: incoming@ucv.es 
European countries: Mercedes Gómez, Ext: 4144
Non-European countries: Malgorzata Musinska, Ext: 6502

Incoming KA171 mobilities

Contact: incoming@ucv.es
Malgorzata Musinska, Ext: 6502

Bilateral agreements / Staff mobility

Contact: ori@ucv.es 
Begoña Barber.
Extension 5047

Buddy program & double degrees

Contact: ori@ucv.es 
Juan Escámez
Extension 5056