Our Courses | UCV
Santoral: San Felicísimo
Santoral: San Felicísimo

Universidad Católica de Valencia

Our Courses

Courses taught in English

UCV offers some English taught Courses in the following Bachelor programmes:

Biotechnology Marine Sciences Psychology
Business and Administration Nursing Pre-primary and Primary Education
Dentistry Physiotherapy  

Besides, the following Bachelor's Degrees offer face-to-face lessons taught in Spanish but the teacher provides the materials and individual tutorials in English:

Medicine Sport Sciences
Multimedia and Digital Arts Veterinary

Please check our full English Course catalogue here:

English programme 2024-25

Courses taught in Spanish - Asignaturas en español

Para ver el listado y las guías docentes de las asignaturas disponibles dentro de nuestros grados, pincha en el enlace:

Courses of Spanish as a foreign language

You are offered the opportunity to take a course of Spanish as a foreign language (one semester, 6 ECTS) adapted to your level (from A1 to C1) for free taught by experienced professors from our Instituto de Lenguas.

UCV Grading Scale - Sistema de calificación

Grading Scheme: In the Spanish system modules/courses are graded on a scale of 0 to 10 points with the following qualitative equivalence:

Marks UCV Marks Interpretation at the UCV
10 Matrícula de Honor Outstanding performance, special mention
9-10 Sobresaliente Excellent
7-8,9 Notable Very good/good, with some errors
5-6,9 Aprobado Sufficient/satisfactory, but with significant mistakes
0-4,9 Suspenso Below average, failed. More work is required to pass

To pass a module/course it is necessary to get at least 5 points.

In cases of recognition of ECTS, professional experience, cultural or sports activities, or student representation no grading will be recorded but, where appropiate, the word "Apto".

Statistical grading distribution

Our social networks

Contact information

International Relations Office

Santa Úrsula Campus 
C/ Guillem de Castro, 94
46002 Valencia (Spain)
+34 96 363 74 12

PIC: 991514019
OID: E10182288

International area coordinator

Beatriz Manrique

Incoming Exchange Students 

Contact: incoming@ucv.es 
European countries: Mercedes Gómez, Ext: 4144
Non-European countries: Malgorzata Musinska, Ext: 6502

Incoming KA171 mobilities

Contact: incoming@ucv.es
Malgorzata Musinska, Ext: 6502

Bilateral agreements / Staff mobility

Contact: ori@ucv.es 
Begoña Barber.
Extension 5047

Buddy program & double degrees

Contact: ori@ucv.es 
Juan Escámez
Extension 5056