Practicum | UCV
Santoral: San Felicísimo
Santoral: San Felicísimo

Universidad Católica de Valencia


The Practicum has the main goal of enabling students to acquire knowledge, skills, and practical information necessary for the practice of positions related to Economic and Financial Management in Businesses and Organizations. The student will be supported by both an academic adviser or internal and a professional adviser or external.

This module is organized into a single field, which has an academic load of 18 ECTS credit hours (12 mandatory and 6 elective). In their development, the students will practice in one or two different companies related to the degree drawing them closer to realities that they can encounter professionally in the future.

Practicum 18 Practicums 18 Practicum (1st Semester) 6 4th 1st Int.
Practicum (2nd Semester) 6 4th 2nd Int.
Professional Integration Practicum 6 4th 2nd Elec

The Catholic University of Valencia has signed several cooperation agreements with companies and organizations in Valencia related to the degree for work experience. Thus, it enables the completion of the Practicum by all students in their final year of the Degree. In addition, it provides their future integration into the job market.

To accomplish this, the student will be supported by an academic adviser, who will perform a series of actions during the Practicum to ensure the quality of the training process and will aim to provide students with generic skills necessary for future practice. The adviser's role is to serve as a guidance counselor and institutional support for the student in carrying out the practical activities to be performed. Besides the annual appointments that are established with the adviser, he or she will always be available for advised students through the existing communication channels with UCV faculty (intranet, weekly advising sessions).

In order to guide and advise the student during the Practicums, several interviews and training activities will be done that can be individual or in groups of advisees.

Orientation Interview : The orientation interview will take place before the assignment of students to the type of Practicums they might be interested in. In it, the adviser will guide the students about different career options as well as the interests, skills, and requirements of both students and the career paths chosen. He or she will clarify the system of external assessment of the Practicums and the steps in the elaboration of the report thereof to be submitted by the students.

Practical classes: In these classes the adviser will guide on: career paths included in the program and the overall goals in each area.

The student will be supported by an academic adviser who will perform a series of actions throughout the training period to ensure the quality of training and will be responsible for assessing the student's report. 
Similarly, the entity that admits the student will also assign an adviser who, at the end of the Practicum, will assess the work done by the student.

The process of management of Practicums includes the following phases:

1. The company submits an offer through the application form for students doing Practicums, which sets out the requirements and conditions. 
2. · Upon receipt of the Application in the Practicum Unit at the School of Business Studies, the call is made public so that students know about it. 
3. Students interested in the offer submit their résumé/CV via e-mail to the Head of Practicums to arrange contact with the Company. 
4. The Company receives the interested students' résumés and gets directly in touch with them to begin the selection process.

During the selection process the following criteria will be taken into account: 
a) academic record 
b) curriculum vitae 
c) personal characteristics in relation to the goal of the Practicum. 
d) Other

5. Once students have been selected, and before the start of the Practicums, a training project shall be completed which will specify the functions and conditions of practice and the Educational Cooperation Agreement signed by the student, an adviser from the business and the Dean of the School of Business Studies. 
6. Once the Practicum has been completed, the business will assess the students through an assessment report and the student, in turn, will elaborate the Practicum report. 
7. Upon receipt of both, the Practicum academic adviser will perform the final assessment and sign the final report.