Skills | UCV
Santoral: San Felicísimo
Santoral: San Felicísimo

Universidad Católica de Valencia


  Type SKILL
GENERIC SKILLS Instrumental CG1 Ability to analyze and synthesize
CG2 Proper management of time and resources
CG3 Ability to apply knowledge in practice
CG4 Ability to handle information from different sources
CG5 Oral and written communication
CG6 Use of ICTs
CG7 Information Management
Systemic CG8 Orientation to problem-solving
CG9 Orientation to decision-making
CG10 Basic knowledge of a second language
CG11 Creativity and ability to generate new ideas
CG12 Initiative and entrepreneurial spirit
CG13 Ability to learn and research skills
Interpersonal CG14 Leadership
CG15 Interpersonal relationship skills
CG16 Self-confidence and decision-making
CG17 Ability to work in interdisciplinary teams
CG18 Autonomy in learning
CG19 Commitment, responsibility and ethical sense
CG20 Development of values ??related to the principles of equal opportunities between men and women, universal access for people with disabilities and, in general, the democratic values ??and a culture of peace
SPECIFIC SKILLS Being able to CE1 Understand the potential impact of issues related to the macroeconomic and microeconomic environment and its institutions on business organizations (e.g. monetary and financial system, domestic markets)
CE2 Identify the constituting aspects of an organization (e.g. goals and objectives, ownership, size, culture, etc.)
CE3 Identify the functional areas of a company and their relationships (e.g. purchasing, logistics, marketing, finance and human resources)
CE4 Ability to develop interdisciplinary knowledge and analysis to define criteria according to which a company is defined linking the results with the analysis of the environment
CE5 Understanding of existing technology and new technologies and their impact on new or future markets
CE6 Manage change in an organization
Knowing-how-to CE7 Ability to manage a company or organization, understanding its competitive and institutional positioning and identifying its strengths and weaknesses.
CE8 Manage a company through its planning and control by using concepts, methods and tools (e.g. design and implementation of strategy, benchmarking, total quality management, system of ABC costs)
CE9 Identify potential sources of economic information of use and its contents
CE10 Identify and properly handle management of computer management applications.
CE11 Design and implementation of information systems in the business
CE12 Understand the principles of law and relate them to the knowledge related to business management
CE13 Ability to diagnose the situation and foreseeable development of a company from relevant records
CE14 Ability to issue reports on specific situations of companies and markets
Professional EC15 Ability to obtain, from the data, valuable information for decision-making.
CE16 Technical understanding, writing and communication in a second language, especially English.
CE17 Application of professional judgment to the analysis of business problems
CE18 Ability to integrate in any functional area of ??an organization and to develop different tasks related to management.
CE19 Empathy and ability to understand others
EC20 Ability to negotiate and to solve problems